UX Design Case study: Homely

A responsive website for finding apartments

Adeeba M
5 min readAug 11, 2022
Image of the website named homely


Hi, I Am Adeeba. I recently completed Google’s UX Design Professional Certification program in association with Coursera. The Second project was to design a responsive website. The prompt I have chosen was to design a responsive website for finding apartments.

Project Duration

January 2022 — April 2022

My Role

UX Researcher, UX Designer

Responsibilities:User Research, Paper and digital wireframing, Low and high fidelity prototyping, Conducting usability studies and iterating on designs.

The Problem

Finding apartments locally is time-consuming for busy workers.intermediaries between owners and customers offer a large amount of money as a bribe.

The solution

Designing a website “Homely” that lets users find rental and commercial apartments, That connect directly with the owner without any intermediaries. Users can also advertise their rental apartments.

User Research

I conducted user research to find the pain points of the users when finding apartments,Interviewed users and created a user journey map to know the pain point of the users that I am designing for.

The user group was between the age of 20–60 who find apartments and users who want to sell their apartments. The user research helped to know the pain points and start the initial design of the responsive website “Homely”.


Personas are fictional users whose goals and characteristics represent the needs of a large group of users. Here I created a persona that represents the users who are busy professionals and have no time to find rental apartments locally.

Persona: Ali

Problem Statment: Ali is a busy professional who needs a website providing all details about the home and direct contact with the owner so that he can manage his working days and search for rental homes.

Image of user persona
User Persona

User journey map:

User journeys are the series of experiences a user has as they achieve a specific goal. Mapping Ali’s journey helped me to know the normal user behavior when they find apartments.

Image of user journey map
User journey map

User pain points

  • Lack of time: Lack of time for visiting apartments locally.
  • Unreliability: Details about a home provided by intermediaries are sometimes unreliable.
  • Huge bribe: Intermediaries between owners and customers offer a huge bribe.
Images of user pain points from the user research
User pain points


Based on the personas and user journey maps, I have got the initial design ideas to start the designing process.

I came up with initial ideas for the website after conducting user research. My idea was to design a website that would not only help renters find apartments but also help those looking for apartments for sale.

Paper wireframes

I draw my initial ideas and I have got the design decision to continue the design process of “Homely-A website for finding apartments”.

Design Decisions:

  • Rental and commercial apartments: Users can find rental and commercial apartments.
  • Search by location: Users can search apartment by location so they can find rental apartments near by them.
  • Apartment Advertising: Providing an advertisement option for rental apartment owners.
  • Direct Contact with the owners
  • All basic information about a rental apartment (location, Basic details about apartment, owner details): Users can find information about the location by using maps so that they will get the exact location if they wish a local visit, basic details about the house, and a video about of the apartment.
Images of paper wireframes that created in the ideation process
Paper wireframes


I created a sitemap for improving strategic information architecture decisions that improve overall website navigation.

Image of site map of homely a website for finding apartments

Digital wireframes and low-fidelity prototype

Tool: Figma

I created the low-fidelity prototype using the digital wireframes for use in the initial usability study.

Image of website wireframes
Website wireframes
GIF of low fidelity prototype
Link to the low-fidelity prototype

Usability study

Usability study helped to check if the website design solves the user pain points. The results from the study helped to iterate the design decisions.

Usability Study findings

  • Details about home: Make the details about the home at the top to directly see the details.
  • Advertisement Verification: Include advertisement verification page before submitting the form.
  • Visiting time selector: Include a visiting time selector option to select the visiting time and date in advance.
Image of the usability study findiings
Usability study findings
Images of the before and after usability study change
Design Changes before and after usability study

Hero image selection: The website opens with a hero image section and a search option for finding apartments. So I chose to use an image of a house as the website’s hero image. As a result, I created five different versions of the hero image section and chose one of them as the hero image.

Image of the hero image selection process for the website
Hero image selection process

Mockups and high-fidelity Prototype

Based on the findings from the usability study, I iterated on the wireframes and created mockups.

Website Mockups
GIF of high-fidelity prototype
Link to the high-fidelity prototype

Design system

Image of design system
Design System

The Impact

With “Homely,” users can find rental apartments, as well as details of apartment for sale. It is also possible for users to advertise their apartments.

“Homely is truly a three-in-one solution” — User feedback

What I learned

As I designed the responsive website, I learned how the elements of a website change depending on the screen size. Also, I learned how users experience websites on different devices.

Thank you



Adeeba M

UI/UX Designer and Web Developer | Sharing insights and inspiration to fuel creativity.