Discovering the Human Touch with Open Peeps Illustration library

Adeeba M
3 min readDec 20, 2023


Made with love, Inspired by open-peeps website header.

Have you heard about Open Peeps?
In this article, I will take you on a journey through the fascinating world of Open Peeps, a hand-drawn illustration library.

So, What can you expect from this read🤔?

  • What’s Open Peeps?
  • Grab and go: Get started with Open Peeps
  • Mix & Match: How to Create different Peeps

Join me and let’s explore the hand drawn magic.

What’s Open Peeps?

Open Peeps is a hand-drawn illustration library by Pablo Stanley. The library is in the public domain under the CC0 License. This means you can copy, modify, distribute, remix, burn, and use the work, even for commercial purposes, without asking permission.

Open Peeps offers a vast collection of diverse, customizable characters that can seamlessly integrate into a variety of projects. By providing a wide array of characters, Open Peeps ensures that every user, regardless of their background, can see themselves represented in the digital landscapes crafted with these illustrations.

The imperfections in the hand-drawn illustrations add a human touch, inviting users to connect with a more personal level.

✨Grab and go: Get started with Open Peeps

Let’s go through how to integrate these charming illustrations into your projects effortlessly.

  1. Visit the Open Peeps Website: Head to to explore the library.
  2. Browse the Categories: Navigate through the “Busts,” “Standing,” and “Sitting” categories to find the style and poses that align with your project requirements.
    : close-up illustrations, allowing you to focus on facial expressions, emotions, and details.
    Standing: adding a sense of dynamism and movement, characters in full-length poses
    Sitting: a more relaxed or contemplative atmosphere, a selection of characters in seated positions.
  3. Download to Get started:
    The library is under license CC0. This means it’s Free for Commercial and Personal Use: no need to credit, license, or anything.
    To get it for free, just put $0 in the price. If you’re feeling generous, you can also add some funds to keep this project going!
    Once you put in your price and email address, you’ll receive the illustration sets for these peeps in your inbox.
    Use any product design tool like Sketch, Figma, XD, or Studio to start with. This library comes in two modes, multicolour and monochromatic. You can use these based on your project.
Made by mixing and matching Open peeps.

Mix & Match: How to Create different Peeps

One of the standout features of Open Peeps is its mix-and-match capability. You can tailor characters to suit specific needs by combining various elements such as clothing, hairstyles, facial expressions and different poses including standing and sitting.

This feature allows you for the creation of unique and relatable characters that resonate with diverse audiences.

It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get started.

Select a Body: Select a body that complements your narrative, conveying the intended message and adding a layer of dynamism to your visual composition.
Add a Feeling: Facial expressions are the silent narrators of your visual story.
Top Them Off: Offering a variety of hairstyles. with curly, long, short locks, or even prefer a clean slate with no hair at all.
Give the Gift of Vision: Your character’s eyes can convey emotions, set the tone, and establish a connection with your audience.
Add Facial Hair: Customize your character with facial hair that aligns with the vibe you wish to portray.

Your peep is ready!

So, why start from scratch when you can kickstart your creativity with these ready-to-download Peeps?

Happy designing! ✨

Made with love, Inspired by open-peeps website footer.



Adeeba M

UI/UX Designer and Web Developer | Sharing insights and inspiration to fuel creativity.